Meet Your Mindfulness Guide

David Weingard (he/him)

David (he/him) is a father to three adult children, husband, triathlete, lives with Type 1 Diabetes (diagnosed at age 36), is founder of Cecelia Health, and "all in" to positively transform the chronic disease and mental health landscape.

In addition to his role as Cecelia Health’s Founder & Board Member, David continues to bring his entrepreneurial energies to accelerate commercial growth in healthcare organizations.   

David especially enjoys partnering with professional associations and human resource executives to deliver programming to best support people in their mental health.   

David was introduced to Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) over 25 years ago and practiced intermittently. He finally made a commitment to practice consistently and integrate mindfulness’ foundational values into his life. Life for David has never been the same with challenging moments more accepted for what they are, and beautiful moments appreciated so much more.

David maintains his own meditation practice and has spent several years studying at Brown University developing the skills and knowledge, and receiving certification, to teach meditation and the group-based MBSR course. He continues to study and practice on his own and with several teachers and meditation groups.

David can be reached at, or by using the contact form below.

Contact David.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out—I’m here to help and happy to provide any information you need. Simply fill out the form below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. You may also email me at

  • “Your dedication to helping others is an inspiration! Thank you for being an inspiration and a role model.”

    Program Participant

  • “Thank you very much for my peace. I use the practices from class to find that peace again each day.”

    Program Participant

  • “I am immensely grateful for David's guidance and instruction on mindfulness meditation. I've been inspired to further my practice.”

    Program Participant

  • “This was a profound experience that came at the right time in my life and I will never forget it.”

    Program Participant